The Girl I Met In Poetry by Michael Walsh
Music:. Giovanni Marradi The Colours Of Music. Video edited by Carlo Gallozzi. THE GIRL I MET IN MAY The gladness of my heart is wakened, By the colours of the day; By the speckled cream of wavelets, Rolling up the tidewashed bay, Wash to gold the sands of morning, Blending with the distant corn; How the forests rise in splendour, Paying homage to the dawn. The gladness of my heart is wakened, By the girl I met in May; Willow poise her grace had beauty, In her lime green décolleté. Wash to gold my heart of mourning, For a past so far away; Colours of the spring will waken, To the girl I met in May. DISCLAIMER: All photos, stills, clips and music are copyrighted to their respective owners. No infringement intended. Il presente video è stato realizzato solo a scopo amatoriale e non persegue alcun fine commerciale.