Grave Desecrator Necromantical Hex ( Official Audio)
Immunidissime Spiritus is a bath in the mucous of the abyss, the orgasm through death, a praise to the misery of mankind and the chant coming from the cemetery. This album captures the obscure and summons the occult. Words of hate and sounds from Hell to imprison your soul. Here there s no peace. Fourth studio album of the brazilian machine of death. Available on May 12th. PRE ORDER NOW Europe, USA, Asia: From Deepest Records (CD) Brazil: Misanthropic Records (CD) Black Hearts Records (CD) Xaninho Discos (CD) Colombia: Tanatofobia Productions. (CD) Peru: Goat Eyaculation Records (Cassette) Chile: Morbid Ways To Die Records (Cassette) Follow Grave Desecrator: Facebook Instagram Bandcamp Caverna de Sangue Productions Press: Qabar PR , gravedesecrator , immundissimespiritus, brazilianmetal, satanicmetal, blackmetal