Marx The Fetishism of The Commodity And Its Secret Epoché Magazine
The Fetishism of The Commodity And Its Secret is the final section of the first chapter of Marx s Capital. The mystery of the commodity, as the product of capitalism, lies in the source and the nature of its valueits price. Against his contemporaries, whojust like economists nowadaystended to tie the value of a commodity to the dynamics of supply and demand, Marx emphasized that the value of a commodity originates from its mode of production. The way capitalism organizes labor is that it is seemingly realized by private producers who then enter the social sphere through exchange, so that it seems like labor is a free and presocial category, where each worker decides on his own, what and how he wants to produce, only limited by the laws of supply and demand. In contrast, as Marx emphasizes, capitalismjust like all other economic systemsfundamentally shapes the way labor is rea