Super set challenge
Hey fitness fans, here s a challenge for you Once a day, here is a power set that will make you feel like a new person. Approx time 710 minutes The challenge if you except it, is to advocate a healthier lifestyle and get you ready for the new year. You re never to old to rock In a rotation of 3 sets: One round consists 1. 25 pushups or bench presses at a weight that makes it difficult ( I use 45kgs) I vary between the 2 2. 25 hammer curls with dumbells ( I use 6kg) 3. 25 skull crushers with dumbells ( 6kg) At the end of the 3rd set 1 minute of going from an elbow plank to a full arm plank. Or maybe a shoulder tap plank to get you started In regards to the weights, adjust to your individual strength but don t over do it, it s recommended max 25 lbs ( I m using 6kg) I found it online, so I will attach the link. If you like I ll post my own video