Who Wants A Dragon
Who Wants A Dragon Written By: James Mayhew Illustrated By: Lindsey Gardiner Narrated By: Nana (Brenda Lovett) Video by: Nana s Story Time with Brenda Lovett This story is read aloud to my babies, and all the children who love reading. The one s who love being read to by their Nana I am Nana also, to 11 beautiful babies, and they are why I started my channel to be able to read ro each of them, their favorite story when and where ever they were, at the time they choose over and over. I hope you enjoy, and get a little value from my humorous video s. If so, please like, share, and most importantly, Subscribe. My YouTube channel: Nana s StoryTime with Brenda Lovett Link: My FaceBook Page: