Until Forever (2016), Full Movie, Stephen Anthony Bailey, Madison Lawlor, Jamie Anderson
Until Forever (2016), Full Movie, Stephen Anthony Bailey, Madison Lawlor, Jamie Anderson Until forever is a powerful account of one young man s courageous battle with cancer and his spiritual journey throughout the ordeal. Based on the true story of Michael and Michelle Boyum, Until Forever illustrates the strength of faith in the midst of the unknown. Michael and Michelle, two starryeyed high school students are madly in love with each other. Their lives are filled with laughter as they plan for a future together. But the young couple s dreams are interrupted when Michael is diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. Confined to a hospital, his Christian faith is tested as never before, especially when his beliefs are confronted by a fellow patient who is a proud atheist. As Michael fights to live, his brother Matt struggles with his own illness, a dark and growing depression that leads him to try to end his own life. Michael and Michelle s struggle tests the limits of their faith