Start Of London To Sydney Air Race (1969)
Start of the London to Sydney air race. Gatwick Airport. LV Pan aircraft lined up at Gatwick Airport for the London to Sydney Air Race. SV Pan ditto. CU Sign on aircraft, Whacko U Bewt, Orstralya. SV Man loading aeroplane. These men are Australian. CU Goods on floor, waiting to be packed into plane. SV Man putting things into plane. SV Mrs. Jean Batten and Sir Francis Chichester. CU Ditto. CU Jean Batten. CU Photographers. CU Writing on side of plane, Little Nugget. Pan up to pilot cleaning the cockpit. CU Pilot. SV As he wipes windshield of plane. SV Jean Batten and Francis Chichester talking to Maurice Clarke and David Willtes of Leeds, the first two to take off. CU One of the pilots. CU Jean Batten. CU The other pilot talking to Chichester. CU Sign on first plane, If Undelivered, Please Return to Yorkshire Light Aircraft, Leeds. SV As pilot gets into plane. CU Chichester waving flag down. GV As plane moves forward. SV Second plane starting up, Army Air Corps, entry. GV As Francis lowers flag