block ADULT sites and other BAD STUFF on your home network ( EASY)
Protect your family s files using NordLocker for FREE: Become an IT god Start, Advance your IT career with CBT Nuggets: Watch Part 2 w, PiHole and Docker: club87076648, Sponsored by NordLocker 2:11 What is DNS How does it work 4:01 How OpenDNS can protect your family and network 7:00 OpenDNS Setup 9:00 Home Router setup (OpenDNS) 12:01 OpenDNS Configuration In this video we use OpenDNS to protect our home networks from ADULT websites, porn, malware, viruses, time wasters and more TIGER KING. OpenDNS: Support NetworkChuck: Need help Join the community: ESSENTIAL network engineer tools: (AND . .., howto, easywaytoblockadultwebsites, howtoblockawebsite, blockporn, opendns, dns, whatisdns, dnsserver, opendnsreview 20200422 BSplICgr7iU