Top 10 Film Families of All Time, A Cine Fix Movie List
The holiday season for many means gathering around biggerthannormal tables with the people who love us most AND know how to push all of our worst buttons. By that, of course, I mean our family. Whether that means a tight knit nuclear family, several generations all under the same roof or the families we choose for ourselves, cinema has long been there to explore the many different combinations and permutations of loved ones. From two person dynamics through the complicated alchemy of extended families, here are our picks for the top 10 film families of all time. Family dynamics are as varied and intricate as anything else weve expired as part of a movie list. From strained father son stories like There Will Be Blood or Catch Me If You Can, to mother daughter friction in films like Black Swan or Mommie Dearest and we cant NOT mention Freaky Friday. Siblings get the spotlight in films like Raging Bull, Hell or High Water and even Star Wars, while whole family trees are explored in The Royal Tenenbau