Midi Matilda Day Dreams ( Official Music Video)
Day Dreams was shot over 10 nights in San Francisco and Berkeley CA. The music video was filmed in a studio, and then projected onto thousands of surfaces around the cities. Each frame of the video was captured with a photo. 3, 300 photos. The music and video were created by both members of midi matilda. Day Dreams Written and Produced by Skyler Kilborn and Logan Grimé Additional Engineering by Jay Pellici Mixed by Logan Grimé Trumpets Performed By Andrew Byars Mastered By JJ Golden Golden Mastering, Ventura CA Recorded at Tiny Telephone, Expression College, and in the bedrooms of both band members, all in the Bay Area, CA Music Video Directed and Edited By Logan Grimé Live Action Filming By Brian Byrne and Sashwa Burros Stop Motion Animation By Logan Grimé, Brian Byrne, and Sashwa Burros Additional Assistance from Skyler Kilborn and Jennifer Porterfield Dance Choreographing by Lindsay Grimé Special Thanks to Robe br, br,