Journey to The Akashic Records With Bill Foss
In another realm of being, a grand etheric library holds energetically imprinted records of every event that has happened and is yet to transpire. Bill Foss guides people on a journey through space and time to explore this ancient mystical realm, a place known as the Akashic Records. Here, an individual may learn about who they are, on a soul level, and what the patterns of their lives are all about, as well as understand karma, heal the self on multiple levels and many other benefits. You too may learn how to travel to this place and meet the Keepers of the Records who can open the chronicle of all of your lifetimes. Gaia is a membersupported conscious media company. Join our community of seekers, dreamers, and doers to empower your own evolution of consciousness. Discover over 8, 000 adfree, streaming titles to inspire and encourage curiosity. Learn More Here: Subscribe to our Channel Here