Eves Latest Novelty (1924)
THIS DIGIBETA VERSION HAS BEEN MADE FROM THE PRINT VERSION ON TAPE PM0842 WILL PROBABLY BE BETTER QUALITY AS TAKEN FROM THE NEGATIVE. Story about painted miniature designs on fingernails. Mr Arthur Ferrier the well known artist paints the nails of Miss Frances Carson actress in Havoc. The setting is an opulent drawing room. Miss Carson is dressed in an extravagant silver dress and cape with ostrich feathers. Extremely glamorous She hands Mr Ferrier a piece of paper showing the designs she requires on her nails. C, U of the paper showing the following images drawn onto nails: a loveheart, a man s face, a diamond, a horseshoe and a questionmark. The artist takes Miss Carson s cape and she sits on a sofa which is high on a platform. Mr Ferrier kneels at her feet and proceeds to paint the designs on her nails. C, U of him painting on the nails. C, U of Miss Carson laughing. She admires her nails. C, U of the nails under a magnifying glass. Very cute. Was item in Eve s Film Revie