Eden Arrives At Home (1956)
Unused, unissued material dates and locations unclear or unknown. Eden arrives at home. Heathrow Airport. London. LS the Prime Minister Sir Anthony Eden enters room with Selwyn Lloyd (the Foreign Secretary) and others, and takes off his coat. LS Eden and Lloyd sitting down, Eden starts to speak. Says he is glad to be back. Goes on to say that when he and the Foreign Secretary arrived in Ottawa, they were congratulated on good work they had done in Washington. MS Eden and Lloyd, Eden continues: that when relations between London and Washington are good, Canada is happy, and assures us that relations between U. S. and G. B. have never been closer, Continues to speak about the IsraeliEgypt friction. MS Goes on talking about world affairs, including the Baghdad pact, Saudi Arabia. Closer shot: speaks about South East Asia, Says infinitely more important than individual items was the spirit of real friendship and understanding both in USA and Canada, continues to say they are well content with progre