This is for the trees
. The Of you. Of each, every, and all. The beat. The pulse. The stars afar. What is within the in of ins Of the above and every art. . The The punch. The bang before the big. The rupture in rapture of all. Infinite loops. Seduced to start. The start of art. The art of all. . The The sun. The grain. The moon (when full). The pixel. The brush. The canvas. The get in. Get off. (A baby ) Get out. Get on. And try again. . The The breakout. The breakthroughs. To more. Eurekas. Apples. Dropped anew. The flame. The cake. Cherries on top. And for once you must eat them all. . The The gloves. The rabbits. The magic. The light. The strings. The Ka boom Pipers still plied despite their pipes. And piercing astray: Be. Here. Now. . The Lose to the why nots. Connecting dots. While we stare ahead. For a change. Defying fashion. Shaping trend. Because do