Hidden in the Sand, 42 Tally Hall Cover
Here s the download if you want it If you want the chords, I drew a diagram of all of the chords If you have any questions, just ask me (requested by chomigawd) Filmed by my mom The song I covered is Hidden in the Sand by Tally Hall (Oh MAN MAN, I love this song Please check out their stuff ) Happy 42nd video, everybody No matter how short this was, you ll NEVER know how much stress and effort I put into this And yes, that s me singing and playing the ukulele. No, I don t usually play the ukulele, but after listening to Tally Hall play this song, I felt I NEEDED to learn, so I learned it and recorded it all in one night Honors:, 73 Most Discussed (Today) Music, 71 Most Discussed (Today) Music