Shaolin Kungfu Mother of MMA
Another one for all the trollers and internet warriors who pick on traditional martial arts people saying this won t work in MMA Here is the first video out of the series i will be taking out For those people let me define Shaolin Combat it s Ti Kicking Da Striking ( punches, elbows, Finger jabs, Palm and hammer first Shaui wrestling takedown and throws Na is Locking Seems MMA to me, but there is a difference Shaolin is a Buddhist Martial Arts practised by Monks to attain physical and mental enlightenment and to be used for Self Defense only. What most of you see in YouTube are just one part of kungfu that is forms. Yes i do agree that it is also fault of lot of kungfu master who pretend to be grandmaster and never train for combat and these are the one who get their ass whooped. But choosing not to fight does not mean you don t know how to fight. I am 46 years old and have trained 9 different martial arts for over 40 years and one thin