21. ОТ ЦИГУН К ЛИНЦИГУН: Master Lin Hou
18 Form Taiji Qigong 1 with Master Lin Hou I learned this from Wei Chi. Wei Chi believes that Taiji qigong is an excellent remedy for all kinds of maladies. She has collaborated with Master Lin Hou of the Shanghai Institute of Qigong in writting a book entitled 18 modes of Taiji She has given classes on martial arts one after another without knowing that she has activated and enlivened the life of many people. 18 Taiji Qigong Consciousness training 1. Raising hands heart smiling, breathing rises and falls like a fountain 2. Expanding chest opening arms, looking far in distance from a mountiantop 3. Waving Rainbow free will with rainbow between palms 4. Dividing clouds dividing the clouds with joy 5. Circling Arms (repulse monkey) arms lubricating at joints 6. Rowing on a Lake rowing with joy 7. Raise the ball play with ball like a child 8. Turn to view moon Moon of mid autumn festival with family reunion happiness 9. Push the palm inhale hea