Dwyamahatama bass drum comparison, Birch vs maple bass drum
Hi everyone, for your attention in this video has been tested few bass drums. the bas drum comparison is consist: Maple shell and Birch shell for purposes of test different brands of drums and sound tone from different gear list: yamaha maple custom bass drum 1622 inches, 1996 years made in japan (aqua green colour) dw collectors exotic bass drum 18x22 inches, 2002 years made in USA (deep broun exotic colour) yamaha recording custom bass drum 1622 inches, 2007 years made in japan (black piano colour) tama superstar hyperdrive maple bass drum 2022 inches, 2012 years made in China ( sugar white colour) snare 13x6. 5 Yamaha Musashi black oak yamaha EAD 10 bass drum comparisons, dw collectors maple, dw drums, tama drums, yamaha bass drum, Dw yamaha tama, yamaha birch, tama superstar maple, all maple shell