Must See Moments from the LHW Grand Prix So Far, Bellator MMA
The Bellator Grand Prix has produced some of the most electrifying, unforgettable matchups in MMA history. Catch up on the Grand Prix ahead of the Light Heavyweight title fight between Vadim Nemkov and Corey Anderson at Bellator 277 on Friday, April 15, 2022. ,BellatorMMA, GrandPrix, Bellator277, mmahighlights Who do you want to see take home the LHW World Championship title at, Bellator277 Upcoming events: DOWNLOAD THE NEW BELLATOR MMA APP APPLE STORE: PLAY STORE: Subscribe to the Bellator MMA newsletter: Subscribe for more Bellator MMA content Follow Bellator MMA Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Snapchat: BellatorNation TikTok: