BILL HALEY His Comets Live at the Royal Flemish Theatre Brussels, Belgium (1958) full concert
Bill Haley and His Comets Complete Concert Live in Brussels, Belgium European Tour October 20, 1958 at the Royal Flemish Theatre (KVS) (Koninklijke Vlaamse Schouwburg) (Full T. V Broadcast Vidéo) 01 Intro by François Cassiers 0:00 02 The Saint Rock N Roll 0:35 03 Shake Rattle And Roll 03:37 04 Rudy s Rock 06:00 05 Giddy Up A Ding Dong (Al Pompilli, vocal Bill Haley, Bass) 10:42 06 Tequila 13:20 07 Rock This Joint (Joe Olivier aka Cappy Bianco, vocal) 17:30 08 See You Later Alligator 19:58 09 Rock Around The Clock 22:00 10 Mambo Rock 24:55 It s is a VIP concert, the public is filtered for the TV broadcast, which allows to have a document of good quality, correctly filmed with a good sound. That option was better musically, than to see riots and fights filmed by German TV. , BillHaley, Concert, Belgium