Watchmen Explained (original comic)
Get a free audiobook and 2 Audible Originals with a 30day trial: Or text asx to 500 500 What happens in the original 1986 Watchmen comic, and what does it mean What do Rorschach, Dr. Manhattan, Nite Owl, Silk Spectre, and Ozymandias represent Subscribe: Support on Patreon: Twitter: Images and video from Watchmen used under fair use. Some animated segments from the Watchmen Motion Comic. Bruce Wayne clip from The Dark Knight Smiley Martian crater: Owl video: Jesus image: Special thanks to Patrons Reverend Xandria, Cameron Weiss, Michael Appell, Ryan Steele, Eric LouisDreyfus, Triangle Wine Company, Harry, Chris Cole, Shane Veglia, Zach Gordon, DscoDan, Joel Soucy