Botchamania 443
Born to be Wild by Chris Hülsbeck (Super Turrican 2) Thanks Kevin Blackwood, Puf AEW s newest signee Daniel Garcia for the fabulous intro Kevin Blackwood Puf Daniel Garcia JJ Garrett for sending himself in Razorgem for clipping Uno Cole Darrell Laudif Caulder for spotting that callspot I missed Molly Millions for Dreamcast BETTER THAN PS2 TNTHunter16 his friend Tony for the Pokemon Coliseum sign LarkinAlexander for the FF7 sign that got fucked OSW Review for sending the Batman Hush Talk Too Much clips Josh Baker for the Arn Glock ending That Retro for the Lio Rush AEW, WWE ending AlistairIRL for the Arn Anderson Justin Wong ending