Queue Reversal, How to Reverse a Queue, Program to reverse a Queue
In this video, we are going to look at queue reversal problem. C++ Implementation Description: Given a Queue Q containing N elements. The task is to reverse the Queue. Your task is to complete the function rev(), that reverses the N elements of the queue. Example Input: 6 4 3 1 10 2 6 Output: 6 2 10 1 3 4 We approached the problem using two methods: recursive, iterative In this video, youll also learn about asymptotic notations, they are basically mathematical notations which represent order of growth of any mathematical function. There are three famous notations which youll see in this video, they are big O, Theta, Omega. Welcome to the first video Tutorial on Data Structures And Algorithms. In this video I am going to provide an Introduction to Data Structures And Algorithms. ... ,ProgrammingKnowledge, DataStructuresAndAlgorithms, DataStructures, algorithm, Algorithms, AlgorithmsTutorial, DataStructuresTutorial, StacksandQueues, BasicAlgebra, AdvancedAlgorithms 20221010 7iCFx0qU2Mw