South Asia In Human Evolution ( India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal)
Thanks to NORDVPN for sponsoring this video Get a big discount and watch some archaeology South Asia is one of the most interesting regions for human evolution. A region where all simple models fall apart Huge thanks to Sheela Athreya James Blinkhorn Gopesh Jha Praveen Kumar Joao Teixiera All of my generous patrons Sources: Narmada: Athreya, Sheela. South Asia as a Geographic Crossroad: Patterns and Predictions of Hominin Morphology in Pleistocene India. Asian Paleoanthropology, 2010, pp. 129141. , Patnaik, Rajeev, et al. New Geochronological, Paleoclimatological, and Archaeological Data from the Narmada Valley Hominin Locality, Central India. Journal of Human Evolution, vol. 56, no. 2, 2009, pp. 114133. , Great Overview: Chauhan, Parth Randhir. South Asia: Paleolithic