Tatiana Nikolayeva plays Ravel, Scriabin, Borodin, Mussorgsky, Prokofiev video 1990
Tatiana Nikolayeva playing two pieces from Ravel s Miroirs, Scriabin s Prelude and Nocturne for the left hand and Poeme Tragique, Borodin s In the Monastery, Mussorgsky s Ballet of the unhatched chicks, and Prokofiev s Prelude Harp, live in Moscow in 1990. Timing below: 00:40 Ravel Miroirs, Oiseaux tristes 04:15 Ravel Miroirs, Une barque sur l océan 11:52 Scriabin Prelude and Nocturne for the left hand, op. 9 19:41 Scriabin Poeme Tragique, Op. 34 24:51 Borodin Petite Suite, In the Monastery, Au couvent 30:25 Mussorgsky Ballet of the unhatched chicks 33:03 Prokofiev Prelude op. 12 no. 7, Harp