Das leckerste Eierrezept, das ich je gegessen habe Herzhaftes und saftiges Frühstücksrezept
The tastiest eggs recipe I ve ever eaten Hearty, juicy and delicious breakfast recipe This is my favourite eggs recipe that I want to share with you my friends today This is so delicious and easy to make that you will definitely want to cook it often You can make it for breakfast or for dinner, basically it can be eaten anytime of the day Try this easy eggs recipe and let me know in a comments How do you like it Peace and love Have a delicious day my dear friends Ingredients: 2 tbsp olive oil or any 23 cloves garlic Pinch of redpepper flakes 4 tomatoes tsp salt, more to taste tsp black pepper fresh basil or rosemary, or a pinch of dried rosemary 2 tbsp Parmigiano Reggiano, more for serving 1 tbsp butter, more to taste 6 eggs Small handful basil or parsley, for garnish My friends, if you liked this video, you can help grow the channel: