Why Space X Needs New Launch Pads for Starship, and Soon
Get 20 off the annual subcription with this link. For all the success of the first Starship launch, the launch pad left a great deal to be desired and could have been the reason why the biggest rocket in history s initial test flight ended in a termination just minutes into the flight. Elon Musk must bear some of the responsibility and he predicted back int 2020 that having no flame trench might not be a good idea. So in this video, we look at the issues the launch caused and how NASA has been doing this for over 56 years without any major problems. This video is sponsored by Brilliant : Written, researched and presented by Paul Shillito Images and footage : SpaceX, NASA, Ryan Hansen Space, US DoD, LabPadre And a big thanks go to all our Patreons :) Eριχθόνιος JL Adriaan Von Grobbe Alipasha Sadri Andrew Smith Brian Kelly Carl Soderstrom Ch