Zebrahead Nudist Priest Blank TV Premiere
Get Nice right here: Buy Get Nice the single and RICKY BOBBY NOW at Itunes Directed and produced by brothers Arthur Jake Cauty of highly acclaimed UK production companyDe Cauze Films, Nudist Priest is the latest official music video for Californian punkrockersZebrahead. Taken from the band s 8th studio album Get Nice , Nudist Priest was voted for by fans as the song they d most like to see as the next official Zebrahead music video. The Cauty brothers produced the video on a shoestring budget of just 535 (or 830 US Dollars), after launching a successful crowd funding campaign with IndieGoGo, the World s leading international funding platform, reaching out to Zebrahead fans across the globe for support. Shot in stunning high definition on the Get Nice or Die Trying 2011 tour, the Ca br, br,