How American farmers raise 2. 6 millions of Goats on pasture Fa Fy Farm
How American farmers raise 2. 6 millions of Goats on pasture FaFy Farm Welcome to the vast world of goat farming across the endless pastures of America Millions of goats are raised naturally on sprawling fields throughout the country. But how do farmers manage and care for up to 2. 6 million goats in such wideopen conditions Goat farming is not a new industry in America. From the early days of settlement, goats have played a crucial role in providing milk, meat, and leather to communities. Over centuries, goat farming has evolved from small, local farms to large, advanced operations Texas has the largest goat population in the U. S., thanks to its vast, grassrich pastures and yearround moderate climate. Farms here not only produce goat meat but also highquality milk and dairy products. ,farming , goat , goatfarming + Fanpage Facebook : Welcome to FAFY Farm Here, we take you on an exciting jour