Playing Adams Game (1926)
THIS DIGIBETA VERSION HAS BEEN MADE FROM THE PRINT VERSION ON TAPE PM0762 WILL PROBABLY BE BETTER QUALITY AS TAKEN FROM THE NEGATIVE. Introductory intertitle reads: Weaker sex said the Captain of the famous Dick Kerr Women s Football Team. Not much weakness about Watching their training we Girls in great striped football shirts and jaunty matching hats perform various training exercises. The women run around the football field, ride three to a bicycle, spar, throw a football to each other, do kneebend exercises and leapfrogs. One team member rides a horse. A couple of the girls box whilst others look on and laugh. The team sit on the ground in striped kit massaging their own legs whilst a female masseur shows them how it should be done. We then see the girls play. C, U of two team members with their arms around each other. Was originally an item in Eve s Film Review issue number unknown. See also Eve and the Noble Art in can EP030. N