Duke Acclaimed (1962)
Title reads: Duke Acclaimed. Montevideo, Uruguay. Duke of Edinburgh on tour of South America. L, S Montevideo. Beach scenes at Montevideo. M, S guard of honour lined up at the Carrasco Airport. M, S Duke of Edinburgh (Prince Philip) shaking hands with President of the National Council of Government, Faustino Harrison. M, S Guard of Honour. M, S Duke listening to speech of welcome read by the President. L, S crowds on airport building waving. L, S Montevideo. Various shots Duke waving to crowds while being driven through Montevideo, escorted by mounted guard. M, S Duke standing on the steps of the embassy waving. Crowds. M, S Duke receiving bouquet from small children. Various shots Duke talking to schoolchildren. Various shots Duke walking through Plaza de la Independencia. Crowds cheer as he lays a wreath at the statue of General Aritgas. FILM A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES, FASCINATING INTERVIEWS, A