Miniature War Staged For King Abdullah (1949)
Full title reads: Miniature War Staged For King Abdullah. Army School of Infantry, Warminster on the Wiltshire Downs. MV King Abdullah of Trans Jordan with his Minister of Defence, Fawzi Pasha Mulki and party arriving at the School of Infantry. MV Crowd of soldiers looking on. SV Abdullah and Glubb Pasha and foreign military officers looking on. CU Glubb Pasha pan to Abdullah. CU Abdullah s son, Prince Naif, pan to Minister of Defence fanning himself with programme. SV French staff officer talking to soldier wearing new combat suit. MV French officer watching soldiers dressing in new coat suit. SV Soldier zipping new combat suit. CU Soldier puts on new hat. SV Comparison of new combat suit and ordinary battle dress. MV British and foreign officers watching manoeuvres pan to manoeuvres. MV Tanks lying smoke screen. SV Foreign officers watching. Prince George of Greece is one of then. CU Officer of the Arab Legion. LV tanks carrying bridges across plain. LV tanks moving between shell bursts. MV