The Doors Love Me Two Times Danish TV Gladsaxe TV Byen Live, Copenhagen. September 18, 1968 Rock
The Doors Love Me Two Times Danish TV Gladsaxe TVByen Live, Copenhagen. September 18, 1968. Rock , TheDoors, JimMorrison, Rock On September 18, The Doors are booked to perform a mini concert for TelevisionByen in Copenhagen, Denmark. Performed in an empty studio, at ten oclock in the morning, three days after Jim was released from the hospital after nearly overdosing in Amsterdam, this could have been an absolute disaster for the band. What unfolds before the cameras is not only a great performance from Ray, Robby and John, but an amazing vocal performance from Jim. You can tell Jim is a bit tired, as he starts the concert sitting on a stool, but soon enough, he is up and giving it his all. Filmed in black and white, this sixsong, thirty minute performance is solid top to bottom, yielding some of the best live versions of these songs caught on tape.