CALIGULA S HORSE Golem (OFFICIAL VIDEO) Taken from the album Charcoal Grace, out January 26, 2024 via InsideOutMusic. Listen to Golem and preorder Charcoal Grace here: Directed by Caligula s Horse Lyrics Golem A slow burn, down to the last dead letter Sulphur to cover up the smell of the blood in the water Absolve me Could kick out the flame but we both know better than to follow a road to its end Just give me that feeling again Sing A slow burn A bite to the bone, a shudder Lay down and die in the mud like a good little soldier Absolve me Could kick out the flame but we both know better You ll follow that rope to its end to give me that feeling again Now sing, wreck A slow turn Blind to the verdant mother Lay down, refusing to believe it s over Absolve me It s a kick in the teeth I m not that better man And I m o