The Pretty Things, 2021, Aint No Grave (from Bare as Bone, Bright as Blood)
The Pretty Things have shared a video for Aint No Grave taken from their acclaimed final record Bare As Bone, Bright As Blood, out now Madfish Music Order, save: Bare As Bone. Bright As Blood: The new animated video serves as a retrospective on the iconic British bands career as we explore a dilapidated house full of visual nods and tributes to the influential group and lyrics from the Blues classic. The Pretty Things take on Aint No Grave is minimalist and haunting, the late and dearly missed Phil May gifting us with an intimate, reserved, growling vocal accompanied by Dick Taylors rasping slide guitar and Sam Brothers lonesome harmonica. Dick Taylor, Guitarist, The Pretty Things: I was totally knocked out by the video when I saw it for the first time and, I must admit, truly moved by the poignancy of it, the atmosphere we hoped to create with the album is reflected perfectly as is the span of our career, I am sure Phil w