The Secrets of the Shakespeare First Folio, The Forum, Stratford Festival 2014
Eric Rasmussen of the University of Nevada, Reno spent two decades studying the 232 surviving copies of the First Folio, the collection of Shakespeare s plays published by his friends after his death. His research resulted in a definitive scholarly work as well as a generalinterest book, The Shakespeare Thefts: In Search of the First Folios. While the only Canadianheld copy of the Folio is displayed in Stratford, Dr. Rasmussen shares stories of those who have possessed, lost, stolen and treasured these priceless pieces of cultural history. Expand your experience with 200+ events , , stratfest Sustaining support for the Forum is generously provided by Kelly Michael Meighen and the T. R. Meighen Foundation. Support for the 2014 Forum is generously provided by Nandita Julian Wise.