Nick s Non fiction, The Feminine Mystique
Welcome back for another episode of Nicks Nonfiction with your host Nick Muniz In 2020 women graduate with higher GPAs and earn more from age 2535 than men. Betty Friedan, Margaret Mead and Beyonce would say the disenfranchised still have a long way to go. For Woman s Month we have one of the top selling nonfiction books of all time which is credited with mobilizing women to begin the second wave of feminism in the 1960s. As a lifelong columnist and activist, Betty shows you behind the mystic of the allAmerican housewife. Unfortunately, the doll house, romantic comedy reality we sell our little girls more often leads to depression than fulfillment. Subscribe, Share, Mobile links Timestamps below 0:00 Introduction 0:02:35 About the Author 0:06:25 Ch1: The Nameless Problem 0:16:30 Ch2: Happy Housewife Heroine 0:24:15 Ch3: Identity Crisis 0:27:25 Ch4: The Passionate Journey 0:32:30 Ch5: Sexual Solipsism of Freud 0:36:30 Ch6: Margaret Mead s Pro