Ann Veronica Janssens Interview: To Walk Into a Painting
Imagine walking into a painting, immersing yourself in one specific colour and almost feeling that colour inside you. This is the idea behind an installation by one of Belgiums most prominent artists, Ann Veronica Janssens. She here shows Associate Professor in Physics, Troels Petersen, around in the work, which opens to a kind of infinity. Read less. .. We are inside a sculpture. The ceiling of the sculpture Blue, Red and Yellow (2001) is covered with LED lighting that is filtered by the primary colours, red, blue and yellow. The space is filled with an artificial fog, which as it crosses the filtered coloured lights somehow materializes this light and gives it a colour and a materiality. Consequently, Janssen argues, the colour almost enters us, as an experience. Moreover, Janssens continues, we lose our sense of space: Its as if we pulverized walls and distances increased because we have a sensation of infinity that also implies that we must slow down. Petersen adds that the experien