Commodore 64 Longplay 011 Hunters Moon ( EU)
Played by: MadMatty Hunters Moon, developed by Martin Walker and Published by Thalamus in 1987. Lost in Space. Surrounded. Strange structures that build themselves hivelike. And at their core alien Starcells . Must get Home. Back to Hunters Moon. Must survive Am attacking now full thrust cannons locked in FIRE Little do you know what you face: 128 levels of galactic mayhem. Hope you are a CLEVER psychoblaster or else This is one of those games that you want to enjoy but it feels like the game doesnt want you to progress. It has a tonne of content but it doesnt want you to see it. I used to play this game in burst sessions as it can annoy quickly. The game has 16 levels(Systems) and each one contains between 4 and 9 hives. 128 possible levels in total. However you dont need to complete every level. You can figure out which are the easiest ones and just play those and thats where the come back for more replay abil