Fanime 2012 Yugioh cosplay skit Its Your Move
MP3 download This song is written by the Bonds of Friendship cast for fellow YGO fans. Not for commercial use. To be clear since a lot of people keep asking The reason Yami isn t voiced by LK is because Kyle had already recorded his part before we got a response from Martin when we asked if he d like to help. Since we didn t have a whole lot of time to get the audio together, we didn t even know if LK or Shady would have enough time to record, so we were trying to do as much as we could on our own. Also, even though Martin has done song parodies in the past, he has made comments before about not being very confident with his singing, so we didn t want to ask too much of him. We are grateful enough that he was willing to do Yugi for us since we had a hard time finding a voice for him. Ko put together a video with the lyrics here Our goal for this skit was to create something fun that reaches out to al