danserena, ill stay with you for all of time (+5x02)
if i could, then i would, i ll go wherever you will go this contains spoilers up to the latest episode of gossip girl DERENA i had SO much fun editing this, i can t believe my inspiration stayed with me throughout the. whole. thing :o, but i m definately not complaining, i LOVED making this i hope you like watching it okay, just a little rant, as you know i love to go on ;) 5. 01 basically that great, even though i actually wanted blair to be pregnant over serena, i was kinda dissapointed when we found out it was blair d: tbh i m not that sure why, i guess it was just cause it was so obvious, obviously if it was serena (assuming dan was the father) it would mean way more derena scene than we may have otherwise got, but all the same, i m glad it s not like eleanor, or lily or something, that would have made me SO angry, i know dorota is, but as long as blair, serena was aswell then that s fine; ) LO br, br,