Bad Gear The Drummer From Another Mother
Become a Patron and get access to music clips from the show, additional content, Bad Gear samples and even more AudioPilz madness Welcome to Bad Gear, the show about the world s most hated audio tools. Today we are going to talk about the Moog DFAM, the Drummer From Another Mother. Is this semimodular monophonic analog percussion synthesizer just a hipster toy or does it live up to the great heritage of Robert Arthur Moog Thanks to Klangfarbe for helping me out with one of their DFAMs Alex Ball is of course an international treasure and every day is a jolly good day for a mooging Check out Matt Bs videos on how to reset the DFAMs sequencer: Chapters: 00:00 Intro tune 01:07 Overview Moog DFAM 04:35 Hate 05:01 Jam 1 05:59 Jam 2 06:53 Finale 07:21 Verdict This is totally not an april s fool joke.