73 Questions With Roger Federer, Vogue
Swiss tennis legend Roger Federer has accomplished just about everything an athlete can in his illustrious career. 20 Grand Slam wins, eight Wimbledon victories, five consecutive US Open else is there to achieve How about a round of 73 Questions Roger takes Joe on a tour of the All England Club while talking about being a ball boy, the perfect serve, and what it s actually like playing at Centre Court during Wimbledon. Still havent subscribed to Vogue on YouTube ABOUT VOGUE Vogue is the authority on fashion news, culture trends, beauty coverage, videos, celebrity style, and fashion week updates. 73 Questions With Roger Federer, Vogue Directed by Joe Sabia Producer: Marina Cukeric DP: Jess Dunlap PM: Josh Young Edit and Color: Ryan Powell Post Sound: Nick Cipriano at BANG Audio Post