Space Quest 0 Part 6: Cloning for Fun and Profit
Nathaniel plays and talks his way through Space Quest 0: Replicated, a fanmade PC prequel to the Space Quest series of comedic adventure games. Part 6 of 8. In this part, Roger inspects his newly acquired spaceship, discovering several items of interest, none of which are of interest. He then eavesdrops on a conversation that s probably relevant to the story, interacts with a shopkeeper whose goods are pretty blatantly on display, and purchases a navigation droid that brings him safely to Andromeda, planet of pigsnouted men and blue women. (No pigsnouted men appear in this video. ) Roger briefly returns to the marketplace so he can grab his junk. Then it s off to Monolith Burger to fill himself with junk, a greasy Nappy Meal with a toy surprise that will be completely overlooked until after the game is over. Following a brief encounter with a familiar face (and the voice and body attached to it), Roger returns to Andromeda, where every mode of transportation conspires against him in hi