Altin Gün Maçka Yolları (live Eye Filmmuseum Amsterdam)
The TurkishDutch band Altın Gün play MaçkaYolları from the album Yol in the Eye Filmmuseum in Amsterdam. Line up: Erdinç Ecevit (keys, bağlama, voice) MerveDasdemir(voice, keys) Jasper Verhulst (bass) Gino Groeneveld(percussion) DanielSmienk (Drums) DenzelSprenkeling (guitar) In the past period, the members of the TurkishDutch band Altin Gün wrote a new album together: Yol. They did this at an appropriate distance via wetransfer. Bassist Jasper Verhulst started the band Altin Gün in 2016. He was fascinated by Turkish psychedelic folk rock. Among other things, he listened to records by singer Selda and the Turkish musical culture had such profound impact on him that he felt compelled to start a band of his own which incorporated all the finer elements of rare Turkish music. In a short time, Altin Gün achieved international success. Their second record