Didos Lament ( Purcell) Joyce Di Donato
Recitative Thy hand, Belinda, darkness shades me, On thy bosom let me rest, More I would, but Death invades me; Death is now a welcome guest. Aria When I am laid, am laid in earth, May my wrongs create No trouble, no trouble in thy breast; Remember me, remember me, but ah forget my fate. Remember me, but ah forget my fate. Various artists depictions of Dido: 0:05 Guercino (15911666) 0:22 Joseph Stallaert (18251903) 0:36 Sébastien Bourdon (16161671) 1:18 18th century follower of Guercino 1:40 Constantijn Netscher (16681723) 1:56 Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (16961770) 2:17 Workshop of Peter Paul Rubens 2:46 Pompeo Batoni (17081787) 2:55 Mattia Preti (16131699) 3:07 Rutilio Manetti (15711639) 3:17 Johann Heinrich Tischbein (17221789) 3:30 Nathaniel DanceHolland (17351811) 3:38 Alessandro Tiarini (15771668) 3:52 Andrea Sacchi (15991661) 4:08 Thomas Robson (17981871) 4:20 Henry Fuseli (17411825) 4:36 Joseph Stallaert (18251903) Опера Генри Пёрселла Дидона и Эней