All 69 Unique Horses With Map Locations In Red Dead Redemption 2
Finding all 67 rare, secret unique horses with map locations in rdr2. Explore All the best war, race unique horses. Horses better than arabians much more including blackwater new austin in story mode. Rdr2 exploits 00:00 1. Warped Brindle Arabian 00:30 2. White Arabian 01:03 3. Red Chestnut Arabian 01:29 4. Black Arabian 02:33 5. Rose Gray Bay Arabian 03:50 6. Andalusian Perlino 04:19 7. Dark bay Andalusian 04:43 8. Rose Gray Andalusian 05:03 9. Missouri Fox Trotter Silver Dapple Pinto 06:33 10. Missouri Fox Trotter Amber Champagne 07:00 11. American Standardbred Black 07:27 12. American Standardbred Buckskin 07:56 13. Palomino Dapple 08:38 14. Silver Tail Buckskin 09:22 15. Nakota White roan 09:54 16. Blue Roan Nakota 10:12 17. Reverse Dapple Roan 10:34 18. Tiger Striped Bay Mustang 11:09 19. Grullo Dun Mustang 11:30 20. Wild Bay Mustang 12:00 21. Leopard Blanket Appaloosa