WHY Combat Enchants Cause 0 Damage Hits Stop LOSING out on Damage NOW Neverwinter Mod 22
With the combat rework, and with using the new combat enchantments, you may have noticed that your damage occasionally does 0 damage hits. This can effect nearly all your powers including those massive hitting Dailies and Tunnel Vision So what actually causes them and why Here I go over the reason and how you can prevent your damage being reduced to 0. Aster s Forum Post: Mod 22 Dragonsight Map: Mod 22 Mini Boss Map: Many thanks to my channel members: Jan Martin Brenden, Raider Nation, Juice DaNinja, Steff, Sara Medusa, BABY ZARIEL, Kevfire, Marc, PurplestickPunch, ProActress, BPS, Billy K, jmerriex, Zewu, Olga FitzGerald, Mikhail Kavalevich, Buckeye, Justin Maier, Gordon Smith, Kristy Cole, KeGeKK, Mike Thompson, John Sherman, Chris Mitchell, Mr Linde, Black Irish, Ali, Hand erly for the