Operations In Algeria Relief Of Chouneiche AKA Operations In Algeria (1954)
Unissued, unused material dates and locations may be unclear, unknown. M Chouneiche, Algeria A line of stationery civilian and military vehicles on a desert road. Various shots of French armoured vehicles and troops of the First Siphis regiment moving ahead and surrounding the small mountain village of M Chouneiche accompanied by Mr Delplanque, Assistant Prefect of the Batna area and Mr Hirtz, Civilian Administrator of Biskra. Various shots as some people are rounded up, whilst other Arab men and women stream back into the village and assemble in the square, where a minute s silence is held in honour of Chief Caid Saddek (recently killed by Fellaghas guerillas in the Algerian Revolution along with the teacher Mr Monnerot in an attack on a local bus). The military battalion sounds To the dead, then Mr Delplanque hands the red Burnous coat to the new village leader, Caid Maaoui, who has the confidence of the French Algerian Administration. Moslem veterans from the two World Wars are in the