Cheers. .. All The Way (1932)
Full title reads: Belfast. Cheers. .. all the way greet the Prince of Wales, paying his first visit to Loyal Ulster to open the Parliament of Northern Belfast, Northern Ireland. Crowds cheer cars driving up the long straight road to Stormont Castle, just outside Belfast. The Royal car pulls up in an open area. The loud cheering still continues. Prince Edward, the Prince of Wales (later King Edward VIII, Duke of Windsor) gets out of car. The honour guard of soldiers comes to the present arms. High angle shot of ranks of troops and large crowd. The National Anthem is played, and sung with great gusto. The Prince inspects the honour guard. Spontaneous cheering keeps breaking out. High angle shot as the Prince walks up the steps to the Parliament building. High angle shots of crowd outside building listening to speech of Prince which is played to them. Exterior views of Stormont. The crowds are still gathered outside. More shots of the crowds. Shots of various parts of th